Work Towards Residency In New Zealand
If you wish to become a permanent resident of New Zealand, the good news is that there are ways to work towards residency in New Zealand.
The best way to work towards residency in New Zealand is to apply for a visa under the work to residence category.
What is work towards residency in New Zealand?
If you have exceptional talent in a certain area such as culture or sports, you could apply to work in New Zealand under the work to residence category.
The fundamental goal behind the work towards residency category is that your skills should enhance the country’s reputation and provide a positive contribution to New Zealand.
What are the 4 temporary work visa options that can be used to work towards residency?
There are 4 distinct temporary work visa options:
1. Accredited Employers
2. Talent (Arts, Culture and Sports)
3. Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Policy
4. Religious workers
Please note that each option has a different set of requirements in conjunction with the general requirements applicants will need to meet.
What are the general requirements?
In addition to the set requirements for the specific work visa option which you choose, you will also need to meet the general requirements.
• Be 55 years of age or under.
• Have exceptional talent in a specific field.
• Be supported by a New Zealand organisation of national repute.
• Be sponsored by either an individual or the organisation supporting you.
What type of exceptional talent do I need?
Should you wish to be considered you will need to display the following:
• You will need to have an international reputation and record of excellence in your field.
• You will need to still be prominent in that field
• You will need to be able to enhance New Zealand’s participation and accomplishments in that field.
Find if you qualify for a New Zealand work visa
Book a consultation call to find out if you meet the requirements to apply for a work visa.
You’ll also discover how the application process works and what the costs and timelines are.
Our licensed advisors are registered with the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) of New Zealand, so you can rest assured that you’re getting advice you can trust.