Searching for a job in New Zealand? Follow our 3 golden rules to increase your chances of success!

Searching for a Job in New Zealand

To qualify for immigration to New Zealand, there is more than often than not, a requirement that you secure a job offer before you complete apply for a work visa or residence. Consequently that means searching for a job in New Zealand.

Let us stress at this point that we, Intergate Emigration, are not a recruitment company. However, we can help you increase your chances of securing employment substantially and also put you in touch with our recruitment network.

While many people seem to make no head-way in their job search, others seem to have no problem in securing a job. This often has nothing to do with your skill set but simply with how you approach searching for a job in New Zealand.

Does this sound familiar?

All to often we hear 'I am searching for a job in New Zealand so I can qualify for residency or a work visa'. However, when we ask what steps have been taken so far it’s little that will help.

There are many things you can do to improve your chances and below we cover the absolute basics - the golden rules.

Let's get into our three golden rules...

Golden Rule Number One - Determine if you qualify for a work visa

golden rule number one for searching for a job in new zealandThe first golden rule is that when you are searching for a job in New Zealand you must make sure you qualify for a visa. A job offer does not mean you will get a work visa. Furthermore:

  • Why would a New Zealand employer even consider you for a position in their company if they do not know if you will qualify for a work visa?
  • What is the point of applying for jobs when you do not know if you qualify for a visa or even what role, if any, you may meet the criteria for?

There are so many factors that may preclude you from being able to secure a work visa. This includes:

  • Age. If you are too old you will not qualify.
  • Health and good character of you and your family. The entire family must meet the health and good character requirements.
  • Earnings of the new position in New Zealand. If the job pays below a certain level your family cannot join you.
  • What your occupation is. Only certain occupations can obtain a work visa.
  • Your experience and / or qualifications. If your experience and / or qualifications do not meet those prescribed by ANZSCO for the role you have been offered you will not get a work visa.
  • Some positions, such as electricians, require trade registration. Without this registration you cannot perform the role, therefore what employer is likely to offer you a job?

As an example:

A person secures a job offer as a Sales and Marketing Manager. The position requires either a relevant degree (confirmed by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority) or 5 years experience.

This person does not have a degree and only 2 years experience. Therefore even though they have a job offer, they will not get a work visa.

Golden Rule Number Two - Make yourself stand out from the crowd

golden rule number two for searching for a job in new zealandThe second golden rule of looking for a job in New Zealand is to stand out from the crowd.

New Zealand is an extremely popular emigration destination. Hundreds of thousands of people a year try to secure a job and work visa for New Zealand! Only a small percentage succeed though.

One of the big reasons these people succeed and others do not, is that they make themselves stand out from the crowd. They realize that searching for a job in New Zealand involves a different process than simply sending off a CV as they might do in their home country.

Making yourself stand out from the crowd when searching for a job in New Zealand.

1. A migration cover letter.

Imagine you are the New Zealand employer. Questions you might ask when reviewing a foreign applicant would include:

  • Does this applicant have a work visa?
  • Does the applicant qualify for a work visa or residency?
  • What do I, the employer, have to do, if the applicant needs a work visa?
  • Does the applicants experience meet the requirements for trade or professional registration in New Zealand?
  • Is the applicant allowed to carry out their trade here in New Zealand?
  • Does the applicant meet the English language requirements?
  • How long will a visa take if I do make an offer?
  • Am I happy to take someone on without meeting them?

The list goes on. The point is when an employer is faced with these questions, but with no answers to them, your application is more than likely to not even be considered. And can you really blame the employer?

A migration cover letter, from a licensed immigration adviser, can supply the employer with all this much needed information. Meaning your immediately stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of progressing.

2. A New Zealand friendly CV and cover letter.

A New Zealand application for a job is different and there are preferred formats. Presenting yourself in the right way once again shows your commitment and improves your chances. Importantly it also shows a prospective employer that you have made the effort to research how a New Zealand employer wants to receive an application.

3. Commit to the process and confidently.

If you need a professional registration or your qualification certified to perform your occupation in New Zealand, then get it done! It not only removes obstacles for a New Zealand employer considering your application, it also shows you have the foresight and commitment to take care of formalities.

4. Be prepared to, and tell employers, that you will travel for interviews.

The majority of New Zealand employers want to look you in the eye. Better still travel to New Zealand (be sure to get the right visa to do so) and search from there.

Golden Rule Number Three - Market your CV

golden rule number three for searching for a job in new zealandGolden rule number 3 is marketing your CV.

Simply responding to online adverts and sending your CV off to every recruitment company you can find, will not work in most cases.

  • Research what recruitment company you want to work with. Have they placed foreigners? Do they specialize in your field? Having more than one or two recruitment companies working for you can mean:
    • A lack of commitment from them. Remember they only get paid if they place you.
    • Your CV being presented to the same employer more than once. This will make you look desperate.
  • Use networks. Search LinkedIn and Facebook and connect with potential employers and those who can introduce you.
  • Make the approach yourself. Many companies will employ the right person even when they do not have a specific vacancy. Identify the companies in your sector. Ask for meetings and get on the plane.

These are just 3 golden rules. There is so much more you can do!

Let's move on now to the process you should be following when looking for a job in New Zealand.

Where you need to begin

The first step is the most logical one, but also the most important (and luckily the least expensive). You must find out if you qualify for a visa or residency. This we do with an assessment report.

Next we move on to the advisers recommendations. These recommendations can help you stand out from the crowd and ensure when you apply for a job in New Zealand you are actually legally able to perform it.

Get your application pack ready:

  • Your migration job support letter.
  • Your New Zealand friendly CV and cover letter.

Research your recruitment company (s), company sectors and networks.

Be committed and resolute - success can be yours!

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