Expression of Interest New Zealand

An Expression of Interest (EOI) for a skilled migrant visa should only be submitted after you've been assessed. Then we you submit your EOI knowing that you do qualify for a skilled migrant visa, you'll do so safe in the knowledge that you're spending your time and money on a visa route that is attainable.
Where do I start?
Before completing an EOI for a skilled migrant visa to New Zealand there are two steps you need to go through:
1. Meet the basic criteria
The first step in the skilled migrant visa process is making sure that you meet the basic criteria:
- Age 55 or under.
- Of good health.
- Meet the good character requirements.
- Speak English to a satisfactory standard.
2. Points-based assessment
If you meet the basic criteria, you can proceed to the next step - doing a points based assessment. You must score 100 points or more to be eligible to submit an Expression of Interest.
Getting the process correct for a skilled migrant visa
Meet the basic critieria
There is no point proceeding with an expression of interest until you are 100% sure you meet the basic criteria.
Get a Formal assessment
It is essential to get formally assessed by a Licensed Immigration Advisor for your points score and emigration pathway.
Expression of interest
Do not proceed with this until you have completed the first two steps otherwise you risk money and a failed application.
What is an expression of interest?
A skilled migrant visa is all about the pairing of the applicants skills to the skills required in New Zealand. The expression of interest is the applicant (after being satisfied they meet the above 2 criteria) declaring their interest in applying for a skilled migrant visa and submitting initial relevant information to Immigration New Zealand to ascertain whether they may qualify.
What’s contained in an expression of interest?
The expression of interest contains information relating to:
- Your health
- Your character
- Your age (you must be 55 or under)
- Your English language ability
- The factors that will earn you points on your points based assessment
How do I submit my EOI?
It can be submitted online or paper based.
Do I have to submit any paper work with my expression of interest?
There is no need for you to submit any additional paperwork with your expression of interest. Documentary proof is normally required only if your expression of interest is selected and you receive an invitation to apply for your skilled migrant visa.
In the event any documentary proof is required with your expression of interest it will be requested from you.
Eager to discuss your skilled migrant visa eligibility? Book a consultation call with one of our advisors
Are there any fees involved?
Submitting your expression of interest does incur a fee from Immigration New Zealand and the tariff can be viewed here. You should note that an online expression of interest is cheaper than a paper based one.
In addition to this if you are working with a registered immigration practitioner they will also levy a charge.
How do I know I am not wasting my money?
The final decision on whether you are selected for an invitation to apply rests with Immigration New Zealand and until the point you receive your visa no guarantees can be provided by anyone.
That said a registered immigration practitioner will be able to guide you through the process and give you a valid opinion as to whether they consider it worth you proceeding with an EOI.
What period does the expression of interest last for?
An EOI is valid for 6 months. If you have not been selected from the pool of applicants in this time then you will need to reapply.
Questions about the Expression of Interest?
What happens after I've submitted my Expression of Interest?
There are 3 likely scenarios:
- The EOI does not meet the criteria and is not accepted. Therefore you need to consider an essential skills work visa.
- Your EOI is 160 points plus and is accepted into the expression of interest pool.
- The EOI is accepted and you have a score of between 100 and 159 points. Therefore you will need to secure a job offer.
What if I score 160 points plus?
An invitation to apply for a skilled migrant workers visa will be issued to you.
If your EOI is between 100 and 160 points?
Your EOI will be reviewed with particular regards to the points scoring sections regarding the job offer and skilled job factors. You may then be invited to apply for a skilled migrant visa.
How long does the process take?
If you achieve over 160 points you can expect you invitation to apply in approx 1 to 3 months. The pool is reviewed every 2 weeks.
Should you receive an invitation to apply?
An invitation to apply is just that, the final step in making a skilled migrant visa application where you supply all the documentary evidence to back up your EOI and ensure all your details are correct and up to date.
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