Skilled Occupation List New Zealand - For Skilled Migrant Visa Applications

The New Zealand skilled occupation list is of paramount importance in ascertaining whether you may qualify for a skilled migrant visa. Furthermore, if your occupation does not appear on any of the skilled occupation lists you'll find obtaining a work visa difficult.
Below we look in more detail at what the skilled occupation list is, it's significance and how to find out if your occupation appears on it.
What is the New Zealand Skilled Occupation List?
The New Zealand skilled occupation list is the publication from the New Zealand authorities listing the occupations in which New Zealand seeks to attract migrants. These are occupations where New Zealand cannot find an easy supply of 'locals' to fill, the jobs. This makes it necessary to attract foreign talent to fill these roles.
What are the skilled occupation lists?
There are 4 skilled occupation lists:
- The Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL),
- The Immediate Skill Shortage List (ISSL).
- The Canterbury Skill Shortage List (CSSL).
- The List of Skilled Occupations.
Want to know if your occupation is on a skilled list?
Are the 4 skilled occupation lists of equal importance?
No. The Long Term Skilled Shortage List and Immediate Skilled Shortage List can be deemed more important.
- If your occupation appears on the Long Term Skilled Shortage List it means that your occupation is in demand, not just now, but also for the foreseeable future.
- If your occupation appears on the Immediate Skilled Shortage List your occupation is one that is in demand now.
If your occupation appears on either of these two lists, can gain you extra points. More importantly it means you have an excellent chance of finding a job in New Zealand.
What if my occupation appears on a skilled occupation list?
It is crucial here is to validate your occupation by verifying that you meet the New Zealand criteria specified for that that role.
This means we must ascertain the following:
- You have sufficient qualifications and / or experience to match the nominated occupation.
- You are able to meet any professional registrations that are required to carry out your nominated occupation in New Zealand.
Warning - It is at this stage that many prospective migrants get it wrong, which results in lost money and failed applications. Simply having a job title that matches one on a Skilled Occupation List is not sufficient. You must also meet the qualifying criteria for that role.
It is for this reason we offer a free initial assessment and a formal written one.
What if my occupation does not appear on a skilled occupation list?
This is an area where many applicants lose the chance to migrate to New Zealand. Here is what most people don't know:
- Perhaps your partner or spouse has an occupation that appears on one of the skilled shortage lists for New Zealand.
- Maybe a previous role that either of you have held appears on one of the Skilled Shortage Lists.
- In both these cases, that occupation can be used - we can go back 10 years in some cases.
We leave no stone un-turned to ensure all options have been considered.
What if I cannot find any of my occupations on the New Zealand Skilled Occupation Lists?
There may still be a way for you to achieve your ambition of emigrating to New Zealand. We recommend that you take advantage of our free initial assessment to find out.
Establishing your migration pathway to New Zealand is the starting point of any planned migration. If your occupation appears on the Long Term Skilled Shortage or Immediate Skilled Shortage List it gives you a definite advantage.
That said, if your occupation doesn't appear on either list, it does not mean you cannot obtain a work visa - provided your occupation appears on one of the other Skilled Shortage Lists and you are committed to the process.
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