New Zealand Migration Points

/ / Working in New Zealand, Your Visa Application

New Zealand Migration PointsMany of the visa options for emigration to New Zealand require you to be assessed against point’s criteria to ascertain if you qualify. A good example of where New Zealand migration points are used for such an assessment is the skilled migrant category.

The below article is a must read for those seeking emigration to New Zealand as we unpack the need to knows with regards to the New Zealand migration points.

Top 10 things you need to know about New Zealand Migration Points

1. Check your age

Depending on the visa category that you will be applying for New Zealand has imposed age limits as to the whom may apply. A typical example of this is the skilled migration category for those who wish to secure a work for New Zealand.

In this case you need to be under the age of 55.

2. How is your English?

Your English language needs to be of a sufficient standard.

The sufficient standard does vary according again to the visa category you are applying for. As example General skilled migration requires you to have an average IELTS score of 6.5 and a business visa less with either a 3 or 4 (depending on the investor class).

3. How is your health?

Generally, any application will not be approved where applicants for residence in New Zealand have or need the following:
• dialysis treatment
• tuberculosis (TB)
• severe haemophilia
• A physical, intellectual, cognitive and/or sensory incapacity that requires full-time care, including care in the community.

You can read more on the health requirements here.

4. Are you of good character?

All residency applications are judged against good character criteria, in essence looking at a history you may have of crimes and offences. Read more on this here.

5. We are back to age

You can be awarded many New Zealand Migration Points simply be being the right age. The most you can be awarded is 30 points for being between 20 and 29. Thereafter there is a sliding scale down to as little as 5 points if you are between 50 and 55.

6. Close family

Should you have close family in New Zealand you can be awarded an extra 10 points. Your New Zealand family member must be your or your partner’s adult brother or sister, adult child, or parent living in New Zealand. They must be a resident or citizen of New Zealand and New Zealand must be their primary place of residence.

7. Skilled employment

Having a job offer makes a huge difference and you be awarded 50 points. If you are already in employment in New Zealand you are also awarded either 50 or 60 points depending on how long you have been in employ.

8. Work experience

The more experience you have in your nominated occupation the more points you get awarded. You can receive up to 30 New Zealand Migration Points if you have 10 years experience. Points are thereafter warded on a sliding scale down to10 points where the applicant has just 2 years experience.

9. Qualifications

Under qualifications a massive 60 New Zealand Migration Points are awarded to those with a recognised level 9 or 10 post-graduate qualification (master’s degree, doctorate).

The least New Zealand Migration Points awarded is 40 points for applicants with a recognised level 4-6 qualification (e.g. trade qualification, diploma).

10. Bonus points

Crucial to many applicants reaching the desired level of points to make an expression of interest (100 plus) is the correct claiming of bonus points.
As an example, bonus points under skilled employment can be awarded under the following situations:

• 10 points: for being employed in work that has been identified as a future growth area
• 10 points: for being employed in work in an area of absolute skills shortage
• 10 points: if you are employed in work in a region outside Auckland
• 20 points: if your partner also has a skilled job or job offer

Further bonus points can be claimed under qualifications, work experience and areas identified as future growth areas.

New Zealand Migration Points – Summary

The New Zealand Migration Points system can be confusing, or perhaps worse still look deceivingly simple. What cannot be argued is that it is the foundation stone of any planned migration to New Zealand. Put simply it needs to be done correctly and preferably by a licensed immigration agent. Mistakes can result in missed opportunity and subsequent rejections of applications.

Don’t miss out on your chance to emigrate to New Zealand by not getting your New Zealand Migration Points correct.

Find if you qualify for to immigrate to New Zealand

Book a consultation call with Sarah Hewitt, our licensed advisor, and you’ll find out if you meet the requirements to move to New Zealand.

You’ll also discover how the application process works and what the costs and timelines are.

Our licensed advisor is registered with the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) of New Zealand, so you can rest assured that you’re getting advice you can trust.

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