The advice you need to set yourself up for success when immigrating to New Zealand.
Did you know that we can give Australian immigration advice too?
For some people wishing to go to New Zealand the dream is unfortunately not possible. Luckily, for a large part of this group, it transpires that emigration to New Zealand’s equally popular neighbour is possible once they’ve received Australian immigration advice.
Why people emigrate?
We can say broadly speaking that it is down to one or two things or a combination of both – commonly known as ‘push and pull factors’.
A push factor is when there is something in your own country (say South Africa) that is ‘pushing’ you towards emigration. This could include influences like crime or corruption.
A pull factor is where the country you wish to emigrate to, has appealing factors, such as a job or business prospects that are enticing you to make the move.
How can Intergate help?
A great many of our clients have strong push factors as their reason for wishing to emigrate. This means they are prepared to look at more than one option in terms of an emigration destination.
The good news is Intergate Emigration has licensed advisors for New Zealand and Australia!
That means we can assess your eligibility for emigration to Australia just like we do for New Zealand. If you do indeed qualify, our agents can help put together your application as well as submit it for you.
Get in touch if you want Australian immigration advice
If you’d like to get an assessment done for Australia, all you have to do is book a consultation call online.
You’ll find out if you meet the requirements to move to Australia, discover how the application process works, and see what the costs and timelines are.
- Published in New Zealand Immigration Advice, News
Can I bring my parents to New Zealand?
Leaving aged parents behind when emigrating is hard. It’s why so many of our client ask us ‘can I bring my parents to New Zealand?’
The short answer is ‘yes’, your parents can also come to New Zealand – which a lot of people are happy to hear! However, of course, this is subject to certain conditions and qualifying criteria.
Here we’ll tell you more about the three types of visas parents of New Zealanders may apply for:
- Parent Retirement Resident visa.
- Parent Resident visa.
- Parent and Grandparent Visitors visa.
1. Your parents can support themselves financially…
Parents with an adult child in New Zealand may apply for the Parent Retirement Resident visa. Applicants will have to meet certain income and capital requirements.
How much income and capital are required?
Applicants will need:
- An annual income of NZ$60 000;
- NZ$1 million to invest in New Zealand for four years; plus
- NZ$500 000 to live on.
What you can do on a parent retirement resident visa:
- Live, work and study in New Zealand.
- Include a partner in the visa application.
- Apply for permanent residence after 4 years of keeping funds invested in New Zealand.
Read more about the Parent Retirement Resident visa here.
2. Your parents want to join you on the basis of your residency status…
The Parent Residency visa allows parents to pursue residency in New Zealand based on their adult child’s status as a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident. This will allow parents to live, work and study in New Zealand.
BUT unfortunately this visa is temporary closed to new applications.
This is because INZ has already made a sufficient number of selections and invitation to fill the cap set by the New Zealand government.
New applications will only be invited when all the current applications have been processed. According to INZ, this is likely to take until after the end of the 2017/18 financial year.
You can read more about the reasons for the closure here.
3. Your parents want to visit for long periods at a time…
Parents, and grandparents, can visit family in New Zealand on a Parent and Grandparent Visitors visa.
The great thing about the visa is that it allows multiple visits on the same visa for extended time periods. And it could be an alternative to the Parent Resident visa for your parents!
Travelling on the Parent and Grandparent Visitors visa
- The Parent and Grandparent Visitors visa is a three-year visa which allows multiple entries into New Zealand.
- Over this three-year period you may remain in New Zealand for 6 months at a time.
- The 6 months starts from your date of arrival in New Zealand.
This means you can visit often and for longer periods of time on one visa.
What does the visa allow?
With the Parent and Grandparent Visitors visa you can:
- Visit children or grandchildren in New Zealand.
- Travel in and out of New Zealand multiple times.
- Include your partner in the visa application.
Read more about the Parent and Grandparent Visitors visa here.
Start here
To assess the chances of your parents joining you in New Zealand, simply have them book a consultation call with our licensed advisor. Your parents will find out their visa options and learn how the visa application process works.
- Published in Family Immigration, New Zealand Immigration Advice
Your New Zealand Emigration
If you read only one article as research for your New Zealand emigration, make sure it is this one – you’ll avoid the most common mistake prospective emigrants to New Zealand make.
Avoiding this one mistake will:
- Stop you from spending large sums of money that you might not need or want to.
- Prevent you from building up your hopes of your New Zealand Emigration before you know if you can even qualify.
- Explain clearly what the first step is with your New Zealand Emigration.
- Ensure you can get all the information you need about your eligibility to migrate, to enable you to make informed decisions.
So what is the one mistake to avoid with Your New Zealand Emigration
In short not being properly assessed as to your chances of migrating.
What do we mean by being properly assessed?
Follow these simple rules to ensure you get properly assessed:
An assessment should take the form of a written report.
It should be based on a proper, comprehensive assessment questionnaire that you have completed, along with a review of your qualifications.
It should be compiled by a Licensed Immigration Advisor.
It should cost you no more than GBP150 or currency equivalent and commit you to nothing other than the assessment, not Your entire New Zealand Emigration.
What goes wrong if you do not avoid this one mistake with Your New Zealand Emigration
A proper assessment takes time and expertise. It is simply not possible to carry out a 5 or 10 minute assessment over the telephone and be sure that you receive concrete advice that you do or do not qualify to emigrate to New Zealand.
Seminars can be useful – for generic information. You are an individual and the assessment must be done to your own unique set of circumstances.After all it’s your Emigration to New Zealand.
Prospective migrants commit to a full application process prior to being assessed. Then end up both out of pocket and with their hopes dashed. Simply because they did not have a proper assessment carried out.
Surprises may come up throughout your application process. Meaning extra costs or worse still changing your eligibility status.
You appoint an individual to look after you for the entire process without having had any experience of their service levels or how they work.
You are about to embark on one of biggest changes in your life – free online assessments, seminars and the like simply do not do the magnitude of the decision justice.
Make sure you avoid this one mistake with Your New Zealand Emigration and contact us to get properly assessed.
- Published in New Zealand Immigration Advice
Why Choose New Zealand as an Immigration Destination?
You and your partner have sat down and had “the talk”. After many discussions, long debates and weighing up all the variables, you have both made an important decision. You both have decided that you no longer want to remain in the country and you wish to immigrate abroad.
While looking at your options, it may be a good idea to ask :Why should you choose New Zealand as an immigration destination?
It goes without saying, that different things appeal to different people. While some people may enjoy wonderful warm sunny days, others may prefer the winter months, staying at home wrapped up in blankets and listening to the sound of the rain. Despite individual differences there are many reasons which the majority of people agree upon, when it comes to the reasoning behind choosing New Zealand as an immigration destination.
Some of the best reasons to choose New Zealand as an immigration destination:
1. Clean and safe
New Zealand offers the best of everything. It is a safe country, which offers high quality living conditions. New Zealand is “clean and green”. Crime is extremely low and the government is very stable. This is besides the factor that New Zealanders are warm and embracing to new cultures.
2. Education
New Zealand’s education system is one of the best in the world. Their university system is based on the British higher education system. New Zealand is actually becoming the number one choice for international students who are looking for quality education at costs which are affordable.
3. The climate
There are four seasons in New Zealand, however there are no extreme conditions of hot and cold, which is typical in the majority of other countries. New Zealand more often than not,offers a pleasant climate.
4. New Zealand welcomes business
New Zealand is known to welcome international business from across the world. You may be interested to know that The World Bank reported New Zealand to be , the second easiest country in the world to do business with. It also offers many career prospects and opportunities.
In addition, it is a known fact that New Zealand is constantly on the look out for skilled migrants with experience and qualifications for various positions across all different sectors. There are also all sorts of visa options for people who are wishing to settle permanently.
5. Quality of living
New Zealand offers a very high quality of living. Not only does it offer the very best of modern technology, but it also has many opportunities for your whole family. It is very possible to obtain a healthy, happy , safe and peaceful life for your family in the country.
6. Property is affordable
Many people who live in New Zealand own beautiful houses. In many countries owning a beautiful home may be the exception and not the norm. However in New Zealand property is affordable. This is very promising news for families who want to settle in New Zealand and become home owners.
7. Healthcare
New Zealand offers excellent health care services. New Zealand residents and various visa holders can benefit from a quality public health system that is free or offered at a low cost. This is all thanks to the generous government subsidies.
Non residents are able to make use of health care services at a cost. New Zealand residents can choose to make use of private medical cover, however many of them do not feel the need to do so. New Zealand has spent several years working towards creating an efficient quality national health care system.
8. Work-life balance
New Zealand is a country known for providing an excellent work-life balance. While New Zealand employees are known for working extremely hard, they also known for spending quality time with their families. In fact they spend an equal amount of time engaging in recreational activities. There is a well respected work-life balance in New Zealand.
9. Beautiful landscapes
New Zealand is a beautiful country, with magnificent scenery. It offers a promising combination of everything you could ever ask for, sandy beaches, tranquil forests, mountains, rivers, lakes and much more. There are plenty of different parts of New Zealand to choose from, each of which offers it’s own fabulous advantages and scenery.
Visitors to New Zealand only get a small window of opportunity to explore all the wonderful places, however once you live in the country you will have unlimited amounts of time to visit and explore all the beautiful destinations that New Zealand has to offer.
10. Literally moving forward
New Zealand offers a wealth of opportunities and possibilities for you and your family. It is a country filled with many wonderful benefits. Families can enjoy a safe and relaxing life filled with health, happiness and success.
If you are seriously considering immigrating then you may want to look at New Zealand as a prospective country.
It is however essential to be aware of the factor that you are required to make use of a licensed immigration specialist by law.
Find if you qualify for to immigrate to New Zealand
Book a consultation call with Sarah Hewitt, our licensed advisor, and you’ll find out if you meet the requirements to move to New Zealand.
You’ll also discover how the application process works and what the costs and timelines are.
Our licensed advisor is registered with the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) of New Zealand, so you can rest assured that you’re getting advice you can trust.
- Published in New Zealand Immigration Advice
Why study in New Zealand?
Aspiring students from all over the world are choosing to go abroad and study in New Zealand. In the last couple of years the international student population in New Zealand has grown dramatically. A question which you may want to ask is: why study in New Zealand? What is attracting students to New Zealand as opposed to all the other countries in the world? What does New Zealand have to offer its students?
These are some very valid questions which you need to ask. If you are considering studying abroad, then you may want to continue reading as this article aims to answer all these important questions.
Why study in New Zealand?
1. Internationally recognised universities
The New Zealand education system is one of the best in the world. It is based on the British higher education model and it is essentially research-based. New Zealand places a high value on quality education and therefore offers some of the best programs in the world. The majority of universities are all internationally recognised which can work wonders for your future career.
No matter where in the world you go, employers are constantly seeking out graduates who come from quality universities. Studying at a top highly recognised university in New Zealand, will also help you to gain a global perspective which employers appreciate.
2. A wide selection of programs
One of the best aspects about New Zealand universities is that they offer a diverse range of studying programs. There are eight institutions which make up the university system,which are ideally situated across the country. Therefore you will not only have a wide selection of study programs and universities to choose from , but you will also be able to choose the part of New Zealand which you would like to study in.
3. Decent entry requirements
One of the biggest determining factors for university students is gaining access to the university of their choice. Unfortunately in many countries, the access requirements for students may be increasingly difficult. New Zealand on the other hand makes provisions for students to study and enter university, even if they only have moderate grades. In comparison to the requirements of the rest of the world, New Zealand has very decent university requirements which are not impossible to obtain and reach.
4. The cost factor
Lets face it , no university is even worth considering if the cost factor is too high. Fortunately for the majority of students New Zealand offers a fairly low cost of living. Not only does this apply to the university fees but it also applies to everything else. As a student in New Zealand you will be able to afford accommodation, food and transport at costs which are affordable.
5. Safe and clean
New Zealand is a very safe country with a very low crime rate. This allows students to enjoy a positive learning experience without the constant stress and worries, which may be experienced in other countries. New Zealand has been rated as one of the world’s least corrupt countries in the world. This is good news for students coming from abroad as they can expect to pay the correct set prices for everything.
6. Amazing scenery
New Zealand is filled with magnificent scenery, making it the perfect destination for students. New Zealand is a country of diverse landscapes where you will be able to see things that you won’t be able to see anywhere else in the world. There are fantastic travel, adventure and sight seeing opportunities all around the country. This is an ideal way to spend your free time as a student.
7. Friendly and welcoming
New Zealanders are known for being warm and friendly. They are extremely welcoming and open to other cultures and people. Students from all over the world come together to study. International students from all over the world always enjoy a fun and exciting socialising and studying experience in New Zealand. It is one of the easiest places to integrate into society as an international student.
8. Working opportunities after you study
New Zealand offers a broad range of exciting work related opportunities. There are many possibilities and options for you to remain in the country and work after you have completed your studies. In fact if you want to work in the country, you can start networking and sourcing prospective opportunities from the moment that you start your studies.
Will I be able to work if I am granted a student visa?
One of the biggest concerns for students who are wishing to study abroad is with regard to working. It goes without saying that should you wish to study in New Zealand, you may naturally have concerns about generating an income.
The good news is that student visa holders are permitted to work in New Zealand for up to 20 hours a week during term time as well as full time during the course of the holiday periods.
Is studying in New Zealand right for you?
Before you start changing your life, giving away your possessions and start selling your car, it is going to be worth your while to first find out if you are a good candidate to study in New Zealand.
One of the best ways to go about this is to book an assessment with an immigration company who has licensed immigration specialists available.
- Published in New Zealand Immigration Advice
Relocating to New Zealand
If you are looking for a safe and peaceful lifestyle, where you will be able to give your family the future that they deserve, then you may want to consider relocating to the beautiful country of New Zealand.
You may not know it yet, but New Zealand may just be your perfect choice. It is never easy to relocate to any country; therefore you are going to want to find a country that is a good fit for you and your family.
The good news is that many families all over the world are relocating to New Zealand and are happy and proud of their new life.
New Zealand welcomes everyone
Regardless of the country which you are relocating to New Zealand from, New Zealand is a fairly easy country to settle into. New Zealand is known to be a very friendly country.
People from all over the world and from all different walks of life are welcomed openly in New Zealand. The good news is that in terms of adjusting, parents have reported that their children adjust surprisingly quickly into their new life in New Zealand.
New Zealand is stable
One of the biggest considerations when moving across the world is the stability of the country. There is no point moving to a country which has a struggling economy and a government which is unstable.
Fortunately New Zealand is an extremely stable country, both in terms of its government and in terms of its economy.
Wealth is relatively easily distributed and the majority of families who live in New Zealand feel safe to move around without worrying about crime.
Everyone has a chance of success in New Zealand
One of the best aspects about New Zealand is that there is more than enough to go around. New Zealand does not have a scarcity of resources and therefore everyone has an equal chance of success.
People are treated with respect in the workplace. There are many employee rights which are strictly implemented. You will not need to worry about equality in the workplace, as New Zealand has this covered for you.
Enjoy a work/life balance in New Zealand
New Zealand offers people a great lifestyle for everyone. People in New Zealand pride themselves on having achieved the ideal work/life balance. They work extremely hard but they also value family and recreational time.
In New Zealand workmates and employers have a tendency to respect the fact that you have a life outside of the office. The respect goes both ways and “family time” is valued just as much as “work time”.
Great weather
Let’s face it, one of the biggest things people look at when considering relocating to New Zealand is the weather. Fortunately just like everything else in New Zealand, this does not fail to disappoint.
The weather in New Zealand may be dependent on the area in New Zealand where you stay, which allows you to literally pick the weather that suits you. If you are looking for long warm summers and cooler winters, there is definitely an area in New Zealand which you can choose to live, that will meet your requirements.
Find if you qualify for to immigrate to New Zealand
Book a consultation call with Sarah Hewitt, our licensed advisor, and you’ll find out if you meet the requirements to move to New Zealand.
You’ll also discover how the application process works and what the costs and timelines are.
Our licensed advisor is registered with the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) of New Zealand, so you can rest assured that you’re getting advice you can trust.
- Published in New Zealand Immigration Advice
Can I move to New Zealand?
Picture a country which is safe and secure, green and peaceful. This particular country can offer you a better life for you and your family. Not only does this country welcome people from all over the world, but it also has an excellent education system, excellent health care and a stable government.
Yes you guessed it; this particular country is none other than the fabulous New Zealand.
Many people would answer “yes” to the question, when asked: “Do you want to move to New Zealand?”, however most people will not know the answer to the question:” Can I move to New Zealand?”
The truth is that wanting to move to New Zealand and being able to move to New Zealand may be two entirely different realities.
Can I move to New Zealand?
The truth is that nobody can tell you in advance that you will be able to move to New Zealand with certainty. To repeat, there is no immigration specialist in the world that will be able to tell you in advance that you definitely can move to New Zealand.
There is only one way to know if you can move to New Zealand, and that is by means of obtaining an assessment.
What are your assessment options?
With regard to obtaining as assessment for New Zealand, you will be faced with three options.
These options are: DIY assessments, making use of a licensed immigration adviser for New Zealand or making use of someone who is not licensed.
These options will be described to you in more detail
DIY assessments
The option of doing it yourself may seem cheaper and easier; however this is not the case at all. Many people have actually missed out on the opportunity of a beautiful life in New Zealand just because they have attempted to do it all themselves.
The truth is that doing it yourself can result in making mistakes. When it comes to your assessment, it is important to give yourself the best chances possible of success. After all successful assessment results may mean that you have passed the first step in the process for New Zealand immigration.
Making even the smallest of mistakes can mean the difference between a wonderful future for you and your family or not. It is highly recommended to rather stay away from this option.
Making use of a licensed immigration adviser for New Zealand
This is a highly recommended option, as a licensed immigration adviser for New Zealand has the knowledge, expertise and practice having helped people just like you many times before.
Making use of a licensed immigration adviser can help you to improve your chances of success. They will also help to ensure that no mistakes are made and that everything is done perfectly in order to improve your chances.
A licensed immigration adviser for New Zealand will be able to offer you the support and guidance which you need. They will also be able to provide you with the best advice and assistance possible for your individual requirements and circumstances.
The problem with a DIY assessment is that you are dealing with a machine. A machine can make mistakes, in comparison to making use of a licensed immigration adviser for New Zealand who is a real person.
Dealing with an automated machine and filling in the form yourself will never be a reliable substitute for being able to sit down face to face with a real person who has studied specifically to help people just like you.
Making use of someone who is not licensed
This option should never even be considered. This option can unfortunately lead to you spending money, time and energy for nothing. Someone who is not licensed should never give you any immigration advice for New Zealand.
An opinion from somebody is not factual and can result in you missing out on a perfectly good opportunity of succeeding in your immigration to New Zealand.
The path forward to New Zealand
Should you be interested in the idea of moving to New Zealand, then it is going to be fully worth your while to deal exclusively with highly reputable professionals who specialise in immigration to New Zealand.
This should be your very first step in the process. A fully licensed and reputable New Zealand immigration adviser will be able to help you explore your different options and help you to determine if New Zealand is even an option for you and your family or not.
Find if you qualify for to immigrate to New Zealand
Book a consultation call with Sarah Hewitt, our licensed advisor, and you’ll find out if you meet the requirements to move to New Zealand.
You’ll also discover how the application process works and what the costs and timelines are.
Our licensed advisor is registered with the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) of New Zealand, so you can rest assured that you’re getting advice you can trust.
- Published in New Zealand Immigration Advice
Watch out for New Zealand immigration scams!
New Zealand is becoming one of the most popular immigration destinations in the world. Starting a new life in New Zealand with your partner, children and animals is a dream for many people.
Unfortunately too many people know just how popular and enticing New Zealand is and therefore New Zealand scams seem to be on the increase.
It should clearly be stated that these scams are even more reason to ensure that you only make use of a reputable and authentic New Zealand immigration adviser and agency.
Here are some the New Zealand immigration scams which you should become familiar with:
New Zealand immigration website scam
The official immigration New Zealand government’s site has become a part of a very malicious scam that targets innocent users. Although the website may appear to be exactly the same as the official INZ website, there are small variations in the domain name.
The scam operates by means of a “phishing attack”. You will receive an email appearing to be from a trusted source, and the email will contain a link to the fake website. Once you have clicked on the link you will be prompted to fill in your details.
This is all a trick in order to obtain your personal information, such as your passwords, banking details, IRD numbers and more.
The two websites look almost identical, however the link to the real website is: – whereas the scam website replaces a full stop with a dash and is
New Zealand immigration scam phone calls
Although these phone calls have been targeted mainly at Indian Nationals living in New Zealand, they are also happening all over the world. The callers are very persistent and will appear genuine and convincing. They will claim to be calling from the Immigration Contact Centre number; however this is far from the case.
This is a phone spoofing scam that involves losses of thousands of dollars. Callers will pretend to be authentic Immigration New Zealand staff and will come up with all sorts of reasons asking for payment.
Unlicensed New Zealand immigration agents
By law New Zealand immigration advisers must be either licensed or exempt, in order to provide immigration assistance and advice for New Zealand. Unfortunately, in many cases, immigration agents will pretend to be fully licensed when they are in fact not.
It is also common for unlicensed immigration agents to work at authentic immigration companies and to pass themselves off as being licensed by hiding behind the company in order to fool people.
Therefore it is always important to ensure that the Immigration Company is authentic in addition to the New Zealand immigration agent. New Zealand immigration agents need to meet all the required competency standards and follow a professional code of conduct.
Not only is it against the law, but it is also against your best interests to make use of an immigration agent for New Zealand who is not fully experienced and licensed. Do not be fooled by agents who are not “the real deal”.
It is important to understand that not all immigration advisers are the same:
There are three types of licensed immigration advisor’s:
• Full
• Provisional
• Limited
Ways to avoid New Zealand immigration scams
• Learn as much as you can.
• Do your homework and research.
• Do not try to cut corners.
• Make use of a fully licensed immigration adviser for New Zealand.
• Always check up on the credentials of the New Zealand immigration adviser.
• Consider booking an assessment with a licensed professional.
• Make use of the Official Immigration New Zealand website.
• Rather make use of professionals as opposed to trying to do it yourself.
• Do not give out money to anyone who is unlicensed.
• Go through the proper channels and procedures.
• Speak to friends and family who have successfully migrated to New Zealand.
• Make use of a reputable agency.
• Make use of a reputable immigration agent.
- Published in New Zealand Immigration Advice
New Zealand Immigration from South Africa
Over 4,000 people took the decision to embark on New Zealand Immigration from South Africa last year and the trend says, even more South Africans will be joining them.
Of course many thousands more sought to migrate, but sadly not all of us qualify for a New Zealand visa.
If you are seeking New Zealand Immigration from South Africa the below is our top hints and tips on how to go about this.
Top hints and tips for New Zealand Immigration from South Africa
Decide what it is you want to do if you emigrate to New Zealand
The activity you want to carry out will dictate what sort of visa you should apply for. If you have options such as work, study or run a business and don’t mind exploring them all to see what visa, if any, you may qualify for and simply instruct us that you are open to all options.
1. Get assessed
The reality is a formal assessment is the most important step in your New Zealand Immigration from South Africa. It is this which says whether or not you may qualify for a visa and dictates whether it is worth investing money in time and exploring your options further.
2. Don’t get caught out
If you are seeking the services of a migration company ONLY licensed advisors such as ours are able to give you advice. Always check on the registration number given to you.
3. Look carefully at your points score
Once you have assessed against a skilled migrant work visa you will receive a point’s score. Whilst you can proceed with an expression of interest if you score over 100 points it is highly doubtful you will be selected unless you subsequently get a job offer.
4. Look at temporary routes
Sometimes residency is achieved through a stepped process and not a once off application. For example, obtaining a temporary work visa greatly enhances your chances of obtaining residency later on.
5. If you are serious invest a little
There is a good reason that licensed immigration agents charge for assessments. They have years of experience and have professional qualifications in order to ensure they give you the best advice and turn over every stone to try and find you an appropriate visa route. Free or web based applications do not do the same thing.
6. Is there any job support?
For many of us obtaining a job (and income) will be vital to any prospective New Zealand Immigration from South Africa. See if your immigration agent can help you at all – if so it’s a big added value.
So if you want to find out more about New Zealand Immigration from South Africa…
Take the first step by booking a consultation call with our licensed advisor.
- Published in New Zealand Immigration Advice
The New Zealand Immigration Process
If your dream is to start a new life in New Zealand with your family and pets, here is some good news – this is possible!
Many people just like you have successfully immigrated to New Zealand and are now enjoying a wonderful life.
In order to be successful is it going to be worth your while to learn more about the New Zealand immigration process.
The New Zealand immigration process
The truth of the matter is that applications for New Zealand can be rejected. The application process is extremely strict. Not only can applications get delayed but they can also get refused based on tiny technicalities.
This is why it is important to understand the New Zealand immigration process fully before impulsively trying to rush through things.
The first step in the New Zealand immigration process
Too many people end up spending vast amounts of time, energy and money, only to discover that they do not even qualify for New Zealand immigration. One of the reasons that this occurs is because they did not start at the beginning of the process.
The first step in the New Zealand immigration process should always be to obtain a comprehensive assessment by a reputable and licensed immigration agent for New Zealand immigration. This will be able to help you determine if you do or do not qualify and you can take it from there.
Which visa should I apply for?
There are different visa options for New Zealand immigration. The option which is best for you is dependent upon your unique situation and circumstances.
The visa options which may be best for you and your family may be different to that of other people that you know who have successfully immigrated to New Zealand.
Many factors need to be taken into account. This is one of the many reasons why it is highly recommendable that you make use of a fully licensed immigration agent for New Zealand.
A licensed immigration agent will explain everything to you and will be able to assist you thoroughly through the process.
I want to start the New Zealand immigration process
Should you wish to begin your journey to New Zealand, then the best place to start is by booking a consultation call.
You’ll find out if you meet the requirements to move to New Zealand, discover how the application process works, and see what the costs and timelines are.
Our licensed advisor is registered with the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) of New Zealand, so you can rest assured that you’re getting advice you can trust.
- Published in New Zealand Immigration Advice, Your Visa Application